Camps are places, where participants live during the event. Please build your camp so you also can have other participants visiting it in-game.

If you want to sell services or products for real off-game money from your in-game store, you need to make an agreement on the terms, with the organizers. It’s not allowed to sell or distribute alcohol or food in any form during the event, without having an agreement with the organizers beforehand.

We will do our best to deliver electricity to your camp, but please bring extension cables and if you have something that uses a lot of power, please contact us first.

We estimate 1500W pr. camp.


This fall’s Sunfall we will all be sleeping outside, so bring a tent and be ready to go camping.

We have very small amounts for caravan spaces, but try to contact us and hear if it’s an option.

At Sunfall all groups (even if you are only one person in your group) have to book their areas. For this purpose, there will be an overview map of what can be booked. From there, the group proceeds to the booking form and signs up.

Each group has 3×3 meters of space pr. 3 participants. If you have special needs because of a shop or the like, please contact us at to make an agreement on this. If you haven’t booked an area, we will assign one to you at our preference.

Storage It’s possible to leave camp stuff at the location for the next event. Please contact us to hear more.

Building Materials Here is a list of the approved materials that can be used for building and decorations in the hall. This does not exclude other materials but is a list of materials that are pre-approved.

  • 13 mm plasterboard
  • 9 mm MK approved pressure fire-proof
  • plywood 22 mm plated rough sawn or planed boards
  • 9 mm Particleboard
  • 9 mm fibreboard
  • 9 mm plywood
  • 15 mm plated rough, saw cut or planed boards
  • 9 mm plasterboard
  • 6 mm MK approved pressure fireproof plywood
  • 9 mm composite, pressure fire-impregnated rough, saw-cut, or planed boards

For a thorough explanation of the materials download our guide here: Material list