
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Sunfall ruleset is divided into several sections, each highlighting the different aspects of
living in the city of Wonderland. This chapter focuses on the rules for combat.
These rules cover which weapons and ammo you can bring, how to reuse ammo, which types
of armor you can have as well as how character injury and death works.
Safety First!
Please be careful when crafting gear, and always have your fellow players’ safety in
mind. In particular, be careful about sharp edges of metal components of armor pieces
and equipment. No metal components will be accepted on hand-to-hand weapons, only
foam and rubber “boffer” weapons will be permitted at the event. Any piece of gear
deemed unsafe by the organizers will be prohibited, and continued use can result in a
ban from current and future events.

Foam weapons, Edison and NERF guns and bows (with LARP arrows up to 30lbs)
are allowed if they are modded visually to fit the post-apocalyptic setting. Ranged weapons can
be used to shoot or block in close combat, but never to strike – not even if the weapon has a
melee attachment. Don’t parry with a firearm that may hurt other players. Foam weapons, bows,
nerf are to be aimed only at torso, arms, legs and hands. Genitals and head are
a no-go with ANY kinds of weapons.
Edison guns
You are not allowed to modify Edison guns for range and power for safety reasons, only cosmetic changes to fit the setting.

Weapons check
Before the event start, you need to get your weapons approved by the game designers.

Nerf guns
you are allowed to modify your NERF for range and power (e.g. removing air restrictors). Please mod responsibly – and use modded weapons with increased consideration! If you have
questions about modding, please ask us either at our mail info@sunfall-larp.com

Water guns
Water guns are not allowed in-game during the event.

Ammo generally comes in two types: normal and heavy. Normal ammo are the standard sized
bullets and have no special effects. Heavy ammo is larger ammo for RPGs or missile launchers.
Heavy ammo can penetrate all armor types and being hit always counts as a direct hit. Ballistic
shields are broken by heavy ammo and must be dropped and repaired before any further use. If you want to bring heavy ammo, you need clearance from the organizers before the event.

Ammo limits

For Sunfall there will not be a limit to how much ammo you are allowed to bring.
You are however encouraged to consider some common sense in how much ammo you bring.
There will be in-game vendors who sell ammo. If you wish to be an ammo vendor during the
game, you will need to register your service with the game design team, and you will need to bring a small “machine shop” setup of some sort, to make it credible that you offer this service.

Used ammo
Empty shells (used ammo) may be collected from the ground in-game. It is important to note
that collecting empty shells is an in-game action and you cannot go off-game to do so.

Ammo modding
You are allowed to use modded ammo. But you need to get them approved by the gamedesigners either at the event or by contacting them before at game@sunfall-larp.com

Getting wounded
The combat rules have been designed so that gunfights are more dangerous than hand to hand
combat. Also, people engaged in melee fighting should be allowed to fight for a while, without ending the fun early due to injuries. When in doubt: play it out and seek medical attention after the fight.

Stages of Health
At Sunfall there are four stages of health:
Healthy: you are just fine and nothing has happened.
Wounded: You have been hit by a melee weapon in a limb, a single time. That limb is now wounded and cannot be used – for instance, if you are hit in the leg, you will walk with a limp until your limb has healed properly. When you are wounded, you can still fight – but your limb needs medical attention before you can use it again. If you get hit in the torso, you move on to incapacitated.
Incapacitated / seriously wounded: You have been hit in the torso with a melee weapon, or shot by a gun in any limb. When incapacitated you can no longer fight and must seek medical attention. This stage is more serious than just being wounded, and simple first aid might not be
Unconscious: When you have been in the incapacitated state for roughly 15-30 min without
receiving help, you blackout until you get medical attention.

Character death
In Sunfall, character death is always the choice of the affected player. Therefore, you could theoretically be mortally wounded by a rocket blast, run over by a car, be set on fire, and still survive. In order for this game concept to work, a large amount of common sense is required from you, the players. Please consider whether it would be plausible for you to survive, and please do not put yourself or other players in obviously deadly situations, if you have not agreed off-game to do so first. In case your character dies, fortunately, death is not the end. After your character has died, you have to make your way to the Organizers’ HQ before you can continue
playing with a new character. Remember to always bring a backup costume and character

First aid and medical professionals
If it makes sense for your character to have basic medical knowledge (and it doesn’t necessarily
for all characters), you can treat wounded characters with first aid. This means you can patch up a knife wound, and it will be good again after some time. If you have more advanced medical knowledge and equipment (e.g. if you are playing a professional surgeon) then you can also do operations, surgery and so on, to cure serious wounds. Patching up serious wounds is reserved for doctors and the like. However, with basic first aid, you can still close bullet wounds
etc., to keep others out of the unconscious state. Performing basic or advanced first aid, should be played out according to the situation. If you or another player is actually hurt, make sure to yell “off-game” so everyone knows you’re not just looking for an in-game medic or Doctor.

Unarmed combat
Unarmed combat is all about good acting and keeping control. The winner of an unarmed brawl
is determined by playing out your “hits”. Do not actually hit each other unless you know each other well and have agreed to do so! Otherwise use stunt punches where you pretend to hit and be hit.
Remember, unarmed combat can cause bruises and small wounds, so don’t forget to paint a black eye or use fake blood for a nose bleed. Also, it is not the end of your badass character to lose a fist fight – but it does make for a potentially awesome show for on-lookers.
Do not engage in unarmed combat, unless it has been explicitly agreed to by all parties!

Armor and shields
Armor protects the body only where it covers it. Even if an opponent is wearing an actual tank as armor, you can still take her down if her feet are unarmored.
Armor comes in three types: normal, medium and heavy. Depending on the level of the armor, it offers protection against different types of weapons. Being hit on an armored part of your body still leaves bruises, aberrations or cuts. Having been in a fight should be visible afterwards.

Normal armor
A body part counts as normally armored when it is covered by kevlar, plate armor, thick leather, chainmail, hard plastic protectors, lead dust inlays, compressed pad protectors, full rubber (e.g. car tires), hard wood, or something similar.
Normal armor protects against melee weapons, and nothing else. Being hit with a melee weapon will still stagger you for a few seconds – but will not wound/ incapacite you. Being hit with normal ammunition will cause you to become seriously wounded.

Medium armor
Medium armor is built of metal and/or thermoplastic and represents steel or ceramic composite in-game. It should look and feel heavy, as if it can protect against bullets. Several combat
Oriented characters wear this level of armor, if they are expecting trouble..
Medium armor protects against melee weapons (without staggering or bruises afterwards), as well as regular bullets. Being hit with a bullet will still stagger you for a few seconds – but will not  wound/incapacite you. Being hit with heavy ammunition will cause you to become seriously wounded. If you want to bring medium armor, you need clearance from the organizers. The  armor itself will have to be checked and approved on location before the event, in order to gain the advantages of medium armor.

Heavy armor
Heavy armor is built from metal and/or thermoplastic and represents steel or “steelplast” (aramid
carbon fiber composite) in-game. It should look and feel as a power armor from the

games or a Space Marine from Warhammer 40K – looking almost impenetrable. Hits with normal ammo or melee weapons to a body part or torso covered in heavy armor has no effect and
leaves no marks afterwards. When faced with a firestorm, from several people with guns, or very imposing firearms – the player will still be staggered. Being hit with heavy ammunition will  cause you to become seriously wounded.
If you want to bring heavy armor, you need clearance from the organizers before the event. It is very important to us that these sets of armor look awesome and fit the background of the character, as they provide a serious advantage in
the game. The armor itself will have to be checked and approved on location before the event, in order to gain the advantages of heavy armor.

Shields come in two types: ballistic and primitive.
Primitive shields
Are made from other materials like lighter woods, plastic, car tires or metal. This type of shields protect against melee attacks but are pierced by bullets. Having a primitive shield hit by a bullet will cause a regular wound to the arm, and force the player to drop the shield.

Ballistic shields
Are designed to stop in-game bullets. It must fit a post-apocalyptic setting and it must be safe for LARPing. For a shield to count as a ballistic shield, it must weigh approx. 10kg/m2 . Lead, solid wood or sand weights are good choices for building materials to make a shield that is heavy and slow to move around but essentially provides portable cover. If a ballistic shield is hit by heavy ammunition, the player will take a wound to the arm, and force the player to drop the

There are many types of explosive devices in the post apocalyptic wastelands of Sunfall. For this year’s scenario, the following three groups of grenades will be accepted.
Frag Grenades
Broadly defined as any throwable nerf grenade, these may only be thrown underhand, and never aimed at a person. These normally spray several nerf darts or rival balls across an area. Being hit by one or more of these darts or balls will result in a hit, per the standard rules. Being within one metre of a detonating grenade will result in an unarmored hit to the body, unless you are wearing medium or heavy armor. Players wearing medium or heavy armor will be staggered by grenade hits.
If you want to bring frag grenades, you need clearance from the organizers. The grenades themselves will have to be checked and approved on location before the beginning of the event in order to be allowed to use them.
These range from a couple of frag grenades and a remote
detonator, to the terrible improvised dirty bomb that turned the soil around the City of Sunfall into the rad-stained marsh it is now.
If you want to bring or build explosives, you need clearance from the organizers. The device itself will have to be checked and approved on location before the beginning of the event in order to be allowed to use it. In addition, the planned use of the device should be agreed on with the organizers before or during the scenario. Due to the potentially devastating consequences of such devices to other groups in the scenario, we will not accept their use without an agreement  on their use and blast radius. No[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]