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Sunfall sommer 2023

Participant letter #1

This is a document about the stuff you need to know before you arrive, during, and when you are leaving the event.

Visit our website for more info



  1. WHEN

The event starts on July 4th and ends Sunday the 9th, at 15:00.

You can also arrive at the location from July 1st at 09:00, but please write to us and inform us about how many you are coming. 


The game itself starts on July 5th at 18:00 and ends on the 8th at 18:00.

See the Timetable for more specific times.


  1. WHERE

The address is:


Mejerivej 5

4892 Kettinge


For public transportation see: www.rejseplan.dk


When you arrive at the location, we will guide you to your camp and afterward the parking space.



When your team arrives at the event, we will check in, show you to your camp and give you some helpful information. 

Please have your ticket and membership receipt ready.

After check-in, we will guide you to the camp and the participant parking afterward.




12:00 –  Check-in & setup for players  

18:00 – Game start


10.00-11.00 – Team leader meeting

00:00-23:59 – Game time



10.00-11.00 – Team leader meeting

00.00-23.59 – Game time



10.00-11.00 – Team leader meeting

18.00 – Game ends – debrief and quick clean up

Approx. 18.30 – AFTERPARTY



00:00-04:00 – AFTERPARTY 

10:00 – Cleanup of the setting and your own camps

15:00 – Cleanup ends and players can go home.*

* When the cleanup is complete, then everybody can go home. So help out your fellow man/mutant.



Because of our event insurance, we need every participant to be a member of our community Wonder studios. So remember to buy or renew your membership, before arriving at the location. You can cancel your membership by writing us at info@sunfall-larp.com


  1. THE BAR

There will be bars present at Sunfall, exciting places to explore and have chill drinks, toast, and sandwiches.

The bars are part of the game and we want to see them play. The bars themselves also put effort into making the experience in-game. 





Building Materials

Here is a list of the approved materials that can be used for building and decorations in the hall. This does not exclude other materials but is a list of pre-approved materials. 


For a thorough explanation of the materials download our guide here: 

Material list



On Sunday before 15:00, you and your camp need to be out of the event area.

This includes all your materials, gear, and unsorted trash bags that are not sorted correctly with the five types. 


There is a renovation station nearby in Nysted, where you will be able to turn in your materials: 

Egevænget 7,

4880 Nysted

Tlf: 54 84 14 00   

Opening Hours: 10.00-16.00


  1. TRASH 

We ONLY accept THE FOLLOWING five kinds of trash in SORTED transparent plastic bags:



Organic garbage such as leftover food. And organic garbage only!



Cardboard material from your food.



We are only accepting metal from food, beer, and sodas.


Plastic bottles

We only accept bottles from sodas.


Glass bottles

We are only accepting glasses from food, beer, and sodas.


Contact our info-desk for transparent garbage bags.



Before the 5th of July, you can mail us at Info@sunfall-larp.com, and for game-related questions game@sunfall-larp.com

After this date, you can visit our info-desk, where one from the organizer team will help you.



We are looking forward to your visit to Wonderland!![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]