Signup for the event
This is a Wonder Studios member's only activity and requires an active 2025 membership to participate.
Participation fee
Simply pay the participation fee and membership, and you're all set.
Prices increses as we get closer to the event.
599 DKK + 100 DKK for membership
Become a volunteer
We are always looking for new people to help out with Sunfall.
Please contact us at
Special offers
20% OFF
For the next 50, we give 20% off on the participation fee.
Use voucher code:
10% OFF
For the next 70, we give 10% off on the participation fee.
Use voucher code:
Bring a friend offer
50% your friends ticket.
Use voucher code: BringAFriendSunfall2025
(Your friend can use the code and should write your name in order comments)
1️⃣ Your friend must not have attended a Sunfall event before or since the end of 2021.
2️⃣ Your friend just needs a Wonder Studios membership
Internationals offer
For all internationals that live outside Denmark, we give 20% off on the participation fee.
Use voucher code: